- A Couple of Anemonefish
- Blue Star Scene
- Blue Tunicates and Red Sponge
- Clownfish in Purple-tipped Anemone
- Colorful Anemone
- Coral Garden
- Crinoid and Soft Coral Bouquet
- Crinoid Close
- Filaments on Brain Coral
- French Angel and Red Sponge
- Gold Tunicates
- Green Anemone and Clownfish
- Light Pink Soft Coral with Crinoids
- Lone Clownfish
- Masked Butterflies
- Orange and White Soft Coral
- Orange Crinoid Curl
- Orange Cup Corals
- Orange Soft Coral Stem
- Peppermint Starfish
- Pink and Red Soft Corals
- Red on White Soft Coral
- Red Soft Coral Stem
- Right Angle Christmas Tree Filaments
- Shrimp on White Carpet Anemone
- Silver Soft Coral
- Small Crinoid
- Tree Above a Cenote
- Tubeworm Filaments
- Turtle Leaving
- Two Pink Feather Dusters
- Yellow Butterflies at a Coral Head
- Yellowbelly Damsel